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🤍 daily private 1:1 sessions with Kornelia, founder of Silver Quartzite Rituals

Healing sessions


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24th – 27th October 2023

Riviera Maya, Mexico

With an eye on sustainability and slow hospitality, the aim to shape the retreat industry to match sky-high expectations, Synergy supplies a well-balanced platform for inspirational conversation, meetings, talks, creativity and experiences.

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TFest | The unmissable event for luxury travel

TFest is more than an event – it’s a movement to put humans first & business second, bringing together the world’s best buyers and sellers in luxury travel.

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🖤 daily morning meditations: SilverQuartzite Group Meditation

Travel changes you

proud to be member of The Transformational Travel Council

membership 2023

Creating a Better World Through Travel

The world is changing. It’s time for conscious evolution in travel and tourism. We’re using this moment as a launchpad to something completely different, a transformation economy, and encouraging a mindset, approach, and model that measures success based on more holistic, conscious, and virtuous outcomes. We believe meaningful travel starts from the inside out – and that is where we’ve fallen short, with travel often reinforcing existing boundaries, worldviews, and practices, rather than stretching and illuminating them. The deep impacts of such personal transformations create ripples of impact felt by all. Travel joins other catalysts for personal transformation and new lifestyle choices, from family and relationships to life events, personal health, etc. To be further explored, travel can be catalytic in a handful of areas: relationships, ecological footprint, consumer and travel choices, social purpose and philanthropic commitments, lifestyle and time management choices, and mindful, contemplative practice.

SilberQuarzit Rituals for the home

Source of power

Create your own SilberQuarzit home ritual.
Let your intuition guide you, use practices you already know. In this way you can combine the power elements with cherished breathing and meditation exercises or visualization techniques. Provided you have enough time for this. Otherwise, I recommend to let the power source flow into your daily routine in a very uncomplicated way.
This is very easy, because in my opinion, rituals should be flexibly applicable – for example in the shower, while brushing your teeth or on the way to work. During all these everyday moments you can use your new power element to concentrate on the biggest goals of the day.
The more often you integrate this new source of power into your everyday life, the more it becomes your “memory” anchor. This is accompanied by all sorts of health-promoting habits, such as rinking at least two liters of water, taking deep abdominal breathing regularly, consciously choosing healthy food, or making at least one cold shower every day.
I would be happy to advise you personally for your very private liberation ritual at home, or help you organize a trip to experience a SilberQuarzit Experience. Share your wishes with me and I will support you with all my heart in your next big step.

Bathroom Home SPA

SilberQuarzit Rituale

Momente des Friedens

Du spürst, dass es Zeit für Veränderung ist? Und du suchst jetzt nach der richtigen Begleitung? Gerne helfe ich dir, Energieblockaden zu lösen, zu deinem tiefen Inneren zu finden und neue Wege zu beschreiten. Mit meinem SilberQuarzit Ritual auf Basis der Energie-Lehre nach Paracelsus führe ich dich in völlige Tiefenentspannung. Und in diesem Zustand wirst du neue Lösungen und Wege entdecken, die direkt aus deinem Inneren kommen.

Für Menschen mit Tiefgang. Ich kümmere mich um dein spirituelles Wohlbefinden. Meine Rituale berühren und nähren deine Seele, genauso wie deinen Körper und deinen Geist. Meine Inspiration kommt aus dem alten Wissen meiner Vorfahren. Mein Ziel ist es, Erfahrungen zu schaffen, die so einzigartig sind wie du selbst.

Wähle aus Ritualen und Meditationen aus oder lasse dich gern von mir beraten. Ich verspreche dir, ein maßgeschneidertes Ritual für dich zu kreieren, das punktgenau deinen Bedürfnissen entspricht. Ich freue mich schon sehr dich kennenzulernen!

Alles Wissenswerte zu den Ritualen

Ritual mit Kornelia

Bist du bereit für ein zutiefst transzendentales und spirituelles Erlebnis, das lebensverändernd sein kann?

Bei diesem SilberQuarzit Ritual verwende ich selbst gesammelte wirksame Naturelemente, die dich schnell und effektiv in einen tiefen Zustand bringen. Durch die Aktivierung des Parasympathikus darfst du loslassen und Altes abstreifen. Glückshormone wie Oxytocin fließen durch deinen Körper. Die Kombi aus kostbarem, dunklem Silberquarzit, Ölen, Mineralkristalle und Essenzen unterstützen die Selbstheilungskräfte deiner Seele.

Zudem erstelle ich einen maßgeschneiderten Arbeitsplan für dich.

Deine Nachbereitung zur Intensivierung des Ritualtages ist ein Muss! Nutze die ausgelösten intensiven Impulse aus dem Ritual, um dich endgültig von dem zu befreien, was dich bedrückt hat. Das 4-stündige SilberQuarzitritual kann dein erster Schritt sein, um dich dauerhaft von belastenden geistigen, emotionalen und körperlichen Problemen zu befreien.

Meditations Ritual

Du stehst vor einer Blockade und kommst nicht weiter? Dann passt eine Räuchermeditation ganz perfekt für dich! In dieser Meditation bringe ich dich schnell und effizient in einen meditativen Zustand, der dich in deinen Vorhaben vorwärts bringt. Emotionale, mentale und körperliche Auslösereize werden geschaffen, die dir helfen, dein ganz persönliches Seelenziel zu erreichen. Die wildwachsenden Räucherstoffe sammle ich persönlich auf über 1500 Höhenmetern im Pfitschtal. Genau dort kommt auch der Silberquarzit her. Ich kann dir versprechen: dein Kopf befreit sich von schweren Gedanken und gelangt in einen leicht transzendentalen Zustand. Ein tiefes Gefühl von innerer Ruhe und Gelassenheit, Verbundenheit mit der eigenen Seelenkraft entsteht. Du wirst sehen, neue Vorhaben und Ideen werden sprießen!


Sabrina Toldt

Luxury Branding & VIP Relations

London, Dolomites
March 2024

„I have recently had the immense pleasure to enjoy a SilberQuarzit Experience designed by the visionary wellbeing-entrepreneur Kornelia Schwitzer in the context of a private luxury retreat nested in a secluded part of the South Tyrolean mountains. The experience itself could be described as a sequence of well thought-through sensual and spiritual wellbeing elements, including high-quality oils, healing crystals and customised mantras to name a few, that draw on ancient local wisdom and natural remedies. The overall event felt very contemporary and ancient at the same time – a truly unique experience. Highly recommend it!“

Nov 2, 2021 Forbes, Shivani Vora

“Kornelia Schwitzer, founder and CEO of SilberQuarzit, has been working in the wellness industry for over 20 years and developed silberquarzit, a multi-hour experience that’s the most unique treatment I’ve ever had—- and believe me, I’ve tried my fair share. Your session with Kornelia begins with her asking your goals when it comes to your mental and physical health. Perhaps you want to sleep better or have personal distress that you’d like to let go of. You relax with incense, and then she works her magic using quartz stones that she finds in the quarry near where she lives. Get ready to experience muscular or emotional reflexes as the quartz interacts with your body. The more intense they are, according to Kornelia, the more likely it is that you’re getting rid of all the blockages holding you back. This is healing done to another level.”

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Caught by soft clouds

“I would like to share my personal impression and feelings which I experienced through the SilberQuarzit Experience with you. The Experience was performed by my dear friend Kornelia Schwitzer.

I am an open-minded and happy girl. Due to the pressure and perfection of the outside world, I often cannot manage to let go of my inner critic and fears or show them towards the outside world.

By working with guests and other people in the hotel, I constantly have to radiate strength and self-confidence. Besides good feedback I often have to manage with negative feedback as well as having to solve daily hurdles and problems.

After a long time, I was finally able to let go of these pent-up and often suppressed emotions and feelings through the intensive and deeply relaxing ritual. The treatment helped me to show my inner soft sides without shame and to cleanse my body and mind from negative emotions.

During the SilberQuarzit Experience I felt safe and protected, as if held by two soft clouds.

The treatment helped me release blockages caused not only by stress and pressure, but also by sport, fitness sessions and my joyful daily yoga practice. Kornelia “listened” to me and my body through the impressive combination of the silver quartzite rock, essences and oils as well as pleasant incenses. The result was impressive: the worldly and strong “I” in my head united with the tender, soft and emotional “I” in my heart. Absolute peace and contentment spread through me. This feeling of security and purity had a positive effect on my everyday life for weeks afterwards.

From the bottom of my heart I would really recommend a SilberQuarzit Experience to anyone who feels similar as me, or to anyone who needs a short, deeply relaxing and purifying time-out.”

Sofia Hinteregger
yoga teacher and junior manager of Naturhotel Lüsnerhof, winner of the Green Concept Spa Award 2021

Personal growth

“I am constantly looking for ways to improve the guest experience in the upscale hospitality industry. For me, this is not just about the experience itself, but also about other things such as logistics, user experience, empowerment of employees and of course, most important, improving the wellbeing of our most valued guests. In this time of constant uncertainty, it is a great challenge for all of us to keep body, mind and spirit in balance and the SilberQuarzit Experience is one of those holistic treatments that gives you the opportunity to regain your centre and regenerate quickly. Not only does the result feel like hitting a reset button, but growth happens within you, and that’s the most important thing in my opinion – It’s like you come out of the Experience as a better version of yourself. It’s definitely a great experience, so you better try it for yourself.”

Judith Volker
Creator and founder Magical Places

Take a look at the Instagram video


“I grew up in the same valley as Kornelia and I’ve known her since childhood. I enthusiastically followed her development and the evolution of the SilberQuarzit stone massage into the SilberQuarzit Experience. As a former professional athlete in the Ski World Cup, I know how important it is to repeatedly release one’s own blockages and to work on yourself (outside and inside). Kornelia gave me the opportunity to be there at the very beginning of her project and to try out the massage. The feeling of lightness and unique deep relaxation has stayed with me for a long time. Recently I was lucky enough to try out the new SilberQuarzit Experience again at the Hotel Cyprianerhof in Tiers at the bottom of the Dolomiti RoseGarden mountain range.

It was marvellous! I would have never thought that it was possible that the “here and now” could disappear all at once and that I could fall into such a state of relaxation in a short time. My subconscious and my body reacted strongly and the statements of the SilberQuarzit expert after the treatment reflected my current situation and my current life and thinking exactly and very precisely.

I can only say that it is a new kind of enthusiasm that the intense reactions and inner forces evoked during these treatments.

Dear Kornelia, thank you very much for allowing me to experience this feeling of lightness again and again and for not standing still and always being on the lookout for improvement, new things and further development.!

Patrick Staudacher
Coach Italian National Ski Team and ex World Champion Super-G


“I am happy to offer personal feedback on my experience with SilberQuarzit, which I was able to receive personally through its founder Kornelia Schwitzer, in the beautiful surroundings of the Charmehotel Friedrich in the valley Eggen in South Tyrol. I am aware that it is often in our own hands to face the challenges of life in peace and serenity. Most of the time, however, blockades prevent us from breaking through correspondingly entrenched patterns that are directed by our subconscious. The Silver Quartzite Experience is a possibility to recognize the subconscious patterns and to transform them accordingly. The application by Kornelia was completely magical for me, as she succeeded in putting me into a state of maximum relaxation, which is not easy. My sense of space and time seemed to disappear and at the same time I was completely present. During the treatment, my body showed Kornelia certain reactions which she knew how to interpret accordingly. Afterwards she made some amazingly precise statements about these reactions, which exactly matched my life. I received clear information on how and by what means I should integrate daily rituals into my everyday life in the following time in order to release the obstructing blocks. My conclusion – I am completely enthusiastic, an experience of a special kind with a lasting and transforming effect.”

Anja Fischer,
CEO Glücksmomente, Charming Places

Have a look at the Instagram video


“I have known Kornelia Schwitzer for many years. I have been following the development of her heart project for at least as long. My enthusiasm started years ago with my first SilberQuarzit treatment. Deep feelings and insights came to the surface that I had not thought possible. Ignoring them was impossible from then on and that was just the right thing for me at that time.

Kornelia has developed the treatment and turned it into a completely new SilberQuarzit Experience. You really have to experience it to feel this source of power, this elemental force that lets you discover your own personal potential. Potentials you never imagined to have in the first place. Kornelia perceives puts every reaction into writing for later. What was previously impossible for me: It is no longer the thoughts that guide me, as it was when I first met SilberQuarzit, but it is the emotions and reactions of the body that “speak” to me. Kornelia Schwitzer says: “Every Silver SilberQuarzit is different, as are personal lives and periods of time.” You can feel her sensitivity throughout the application, her calling to “help people move forward on their path”. The personal action plan she created for me helped me further activate the self-healing powers. I am already looking forward to the next time when Kornelia gives me a bit more insight “into my unconsciousness”. Thank you Kornelia for all these wonderful experiences around the elemental power of silver quartzite.”

Angelika Mayr
Human Resource Management


“You could feel the enthusiasm, love and passion behind Kornelia and what she does throughout the ritual. It was an extremely valuable, unique experience for me. Kornelia asked me afterwards about an area where she felt a strong reaction during the treatment. The exciting thing was that I had also felt this reaction. This ritual goes really deep.”

Thank you from the bottom of my heart💛
Silvi Gasser


Quintessence your soul

Der Podcast „Quintessence your Soul“ ist für alle, die ganzheitlich an sich arbeiten möchten, und dafür bereit sind tief zu gehen und die Wurzel zu behandeln. Als SilberQuarzit Experience Gründerin verbinde ich mein Expertenwissen aus über 20 Jahren Praxiserfahrung mit Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Spiritualität und Körpersprache-Wissen.

Es erwarten dich persönliche Erzählungen aus meinem Leben als Gründerin, als Coach und als Unternehmerin, ich gebe dir Tipps für ganzheitliche Rituale für Zuhause und für das Lesen von Körpersprache. Ich kann schnell erkennen, wo die Wurzel bestimmter Lebensthemen liegt – und kann dir dann zeigen, wie du diese schnell, einfach und effizient behandeln kannst.

Fokus on you : mir geht es ausschließlich um dich persönlich! Mein Anspruch ist es dir einen maßgeschneiderten Dienst zu erbringen.

Du möchtest noch mehr von mir und meiner ganz besonderen Technik wissen? Dann schreib dich in meinen Newsletter ein. 1 Mal im Monat verlose ich kostenlos eine „Bodylanguage“ Analyse.

Du liebst es zu meditieren und möchtest dich noch tiefer persönlich und spirituell fortentwickeln? Melde dich jetzt für deine persönliche Meditation “7 Siegel“ an.

Herzlichst, deine Kornelia – let’s keep in touch:

SQ Press

DONNA, Juli 2024

Ein heilsames Erlebnis
….. Dafür kombiniert Kornelia die richtigen Fragen („Was wünschst du dir für deine mentale und körperliche Gesundheit?“) mit behutsamen Berührungen, Meditation und Atemübungen sowie dem Auflegen von Silberquarzitsteinen auf die Haut.

Denn manchmal, so die 49-Jährige, komme man allein durch Kopfarbeit nicht weiter.
Die „Silberquarzit Experience“ wirkt ganz unterschiedlich: Manche Teilnehmerin reagiert mit
intensiven Gefühlen. Andere nehmen elektrische Impulse, eine Schwere oder ein Prickeln in Armen und Beinen wahr.

Sessions kann man in Hotels oder als private Einzelstunde buchen.

Lila Fox’s new podcast : Choices

Lila Fox arranges travel and customized experiences for a small list of predominantly American high net worth individuals. In addition to her expertise in travel, photography and writing, she has certifications in yoga and nutritional counselling. In March 2024, she launches her new podcast called Choices, where she interviews various experts in the fields of travel, entrepreneurship, health, culture, spirituality and life.
Lila herself joined Kornelia on a multi-day retreat in January 2024 near the UNESCO Dolomites Heritage.

Further information in the Podcast.

Nov 2, 2021 Forbes, Shivani Vora

“Kornelia Schwitzer, founder and CEO of SilberQuarzit, has been working in the wellness industry for over 20 years and developed silberquarzit, a multi-hour experience that’s the most unique treatment I’ve ever had—- and believe me, I’ve tried my fair share. Your session with Kornelia begins with her asking your goals when it comes to your mental and physical health. Perhaps you want to sleep better or have personal distress that you’d like to let go of. You relax with incense, and then she works her magic using quartz stones that she finds in the quarry near where she lives. Get ready to experience muscular or emotional reflexes as the quartz interacts with your body. The more intense they are, according to Kornelia, the more likely it is that you’re getting rid of all the blockages holding you back. This is healing done to another level.”

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Come sciogliere i blocchi energetici per ritrovare il benessere,

Clelia Torelli

“Eine Experience, die einen Ausweg aus diesem Hamsterrad verspricht, lerne ich im Charmingplace Charmehotel Friedrich kennen. Schon mehrere Freund*innen aus Südtirol hatten mir von diesem außergewöhnlichen Erlebnis berichtet. Während eines Besuchs im Eggental habe ich endlich die Gelegenheit!

Kornelia Schwitzer, die Erfinderin und Gründerin der SilberQuarzit Experiences ist höchstpersönlich ins Hotel gekommen, um die Anwendung mit mir durchzuführen.

Vor mir sitzt eine charismatische Persönlichkeit, die mich mit einem herzlichen Lächeln anstrahlt. Sie erklärt mir das Ritual und ich erfahre, dass es ganz individuell auf mich eingestellt sein wird, um eine möglichst effiziente Wirkung zu erzielen. Dafür stellt sie mir gezielte Fragen….”

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Oct 10, 2021 Charming Places, Anja Fischer

10 Aug, 2020 Stile, Livia Fabietti

“Questa pietra primordiale ha un effetto liberatorio: allontana ogni negatività, favorisce il benessere psicofisico e permette di riconnettersi con se stessi.

Capita a tutti, di tanto in tanto, di sentirsi stressati e avere pensieri e preoccupazioni che riempiono la testa e ostacolano il sonno. Senza il giusto riposo però, ci si sente scarichi. Per fare il pieno di energia bisogna ritagliarsi un momento tutto per sé e cercare rifugio in oasi di pace dove staccare la spina e disconnettersi dal mondo esterno. Sono in molti ad appellarsi ai poteri della natura che, con i suoi profumi, colori e suoni ha un effetto riequilibrante e rilassante per corpo e mente.

 All’interno della Naturellness®Spa del Naturhotel Lüsnerhof ad esempio, immersa ai piedi delle Dolomiti, gli ospiti possono sperimentare trattamenti legati alla tradizione alpina. Tra i protagonisti figura la quarzite argentea – Silberquarzit – una pietra primordiale estratta esclusivamente in Alto Adige che, dato l’elevato contenuto di quarzo, è rinomata per il suo effetto energetico, detossinante e antinfiammatorio. Permette infatti di rilasciare blocchi sia fisici che mentali, ricostruire la propria forza, risvegliare i sensi e rigenerarsi.”

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In tune with Nature

For this aspect, SilberQuarzit® has chosen not to follow the rhythm of the mass-market, not being able to accept its speed and lack of ethics. We rely on the availability of the wild resources in the Val di Vizze. As a result, some products may not be available at all times.

The Seven Planets and the Four Elements

All products have all been conceived according to the “Doctrine of Signatures”, the theories of Paracelsus and considering the power of the Seven Planets (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury). According to the Doctrine, planets transmit their subtle vibrations to plants, metals and precious stones.
The Four Elements Theory is the other important source of inspiration for the design of our products. When combined and used in the right way, they can activate Quintessence, the life force of the universe, and self-healing powers.

You, at the centre of everything

Our products support you during self-optimization processes, to learn how to focus on yourself.
Paracelsus was convinced that in nature there are healing forces called “Arcana”.
They are, according to him, the key to activate one’s “inner alchemist” and to ignite one’s self-healing powers.


All products are packaged with combed sheep’s wool.
This precious fabric can be reused for chest wraps or reworked in other shapes.
Doubts or questions? Do not hesitate to write to us at
We will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.

All SilberQuarzit® products are conceived according to the dictates of Traditional European Medicine and are made from wild South-Tyrolean raw materials, selected in nature and scientifically certified. Only Lavender comes from crops located in the Marche.

Highest Quality

All SilberQuarzit® products have been created with love and great attention to detail.
Unique products, handmade and composed of precious ingredients and materials: from silver quartzite, to selected wild herbs, to fine fabrics and decorative design elements.
“Soul treasures”, key elements of unique experiences, to activate self-healing power, lifeline and lighthouse, always present, even during storms.

Some of our products are used during SilberQuarzit Experiences®.

Our commitment:

Origin of ingredients and materials: 100% South Tyrol
Manufacturing: 100% Tyrol and South Tyrol
Product concept and design in respect of Paracelsus’ Theories
100% customer service

We combine high-quality ingredients and materials, the exclusive silver quartzite with healing body treatment.

Silver quartzite: purification for body and soul

Silver quartzite is a gift from Mother Nature, a resource with multiple possibilities. On one hand, the deacidifying effect of clear silver quartzite, essential during detoxifying treatments and for dermatological disturbs. On the other hand, it frees from mental blocks and gives energy.
Detox Line:
Detox Mineral Bathsalt
Detox Bodylotion
Detox Showergel
Detox Bodypeeling
Detox Mineral Soap
Alkalized Water:
SilberQuarzit Drink Bottle
SilberQuarzit Water Purifier Bar
Energy Stones:
SilberQuarzit Energy Stone Bright
SilberQuarzit Energy Stone Dark

We have designed our range of products with the aim of leveraging on Floral Essences and Oils from South Tyrolean wild herbs and plants, to obtain a complete purification of body and soul, in combination with silver quartzite.


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Our website uses Facebook social media plugins to customize their use. For this we use the “LIKE” or “SHARE” button. This is a Facebook offer. When you access a page of our website that contains such a plugin, the browser establishes a direct connection to the Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted directly from Facebook to your browser and integrated into the website. By integrating the plugins, Facebook receives the information that your browser has recalled the corresponding page of our website, even if you do not have a Facebook account or are not currently connected to Facebook. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted directly from your browser to a Facebook server in the USA and stored there. If you are logged into Facebook, Facebook can directly associate your visit to our website with your Facebook account. If you interact with plugins, for example by pressing the “LIKE” or “SHARE” button, the corresponding information is transmitted directly to a Facebook server and stored there. The information is also published on Facebook and displayed to your Facebook friends. Facebook can use this information for advertising purposes, for market research and for creating demand-oriented Facebook pages. To this end, Facebook creates profiles of use, interest and relationship, for example to evaluate the use of our website in relation to advertisements displayed on Facebook, to inform other Facebook users about the activities carried out on our website and for provide other services associated with the use of Facebook. If you do not want Facebook to associate the information collected through our website to your Facebook account, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our website. The purpose and scope of data collection and further processing and use of data from Facebook, as well as your rights and setting options for the protection of your privacy are listed in the information on data protection ( of Facebook.
b. Instagram
Our website also uses the so-called Instagram social plugins (“plugins”), provided by Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (“Instagram”). The plug-ins are marked with the Instagram logo, for example in the form of an “Instagram camera”. When you access a page of our website that contains such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the Instagram servers. Instagram transfers the contents of the plugin directly to your browser and integrates it into the page. This integration informs Instagram that your browser has recalled the corresponding page of our website, even if it does not have an Instagram profile or is not currently connected to Instagram. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted directly from your browser to an Instagram server in the US and saved there. If you are connected to Instagram, Instagram can immediately associate your visit to our website with your Instagram account. If you interact with plugins, for example by pressing the “Instagram” button, this information is also transmitted directly to an Instagram server and stored there. The information is also published on your Instagram account and displayed to your contacts. If you do not want Instagram to associate the information collected through our site directly to your Instagram account, you must log out of Instagram before visiting our website. Refer to the Instagram privacy policy for more information.
c. LinkedIn
Plugins of the LinkedIn network are integrated on our website. You can recognize the LinkedIn plugins by the LinkedIn logo on our site. When you visit a page on our website that contains such a plugin, a direct connection is established between your browser and the LinkedIn server. This gives LinkedIn the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click the LinkedIn button while you are logged into your LinkedIn account, you can link the content of our pages to your LinkedIn profile. This enables LinkedIn to assign your visit to our website to your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or its use by LinkedIn. If you do not want LinkedIn to be able to assign your visit to our website, please log out of your LinkedIn user account. You can find more information on this in LinkedIn’s data protection declaration (

Version: 1° november 2020